With Lightspeed OnSite’s time-billing features you can account for the time users spend on projects and optionally bill customers for the time. With timesheets users clock in and out and work on jobs and sub-tasks within a job. Time spent on a job can be converted to a product for each user, so that you can create an invoice to bill a customer for the time.
Timesheets are a way to track the time each user spends at work, and the time they spend on specific jobs and tasks within a job. Jobs can be as short-term as setting up a store demo, or as long-term as installing a network. To use timesheets as a general record of time worked, each user can stop and start their daily timesheet in OnSite.
After you create a job it appears in the jobs list on users timesheets. Any time a user spends on a job is logged in the Time tab of the job, with the date the work was done on, and the task the user worked on.
To create a new job
- In OnSite under Time-Billing right-click Job > New or in the taskbar click the Job icon.
- In the Code field type a name for the the job and optionally enter a description.
- If the job needs to be divided into tasks, under Tasks click +.
To bill for time spent on a job
To bill for time spent on a job, you create a non-inventoried product that represents the labor, and associate the product with a user.
- In OnSite create a new, non-inventoried product, copy the Product Code and set the Selling Price as the hourly labor rate for the user.
- Go to Tools > Setup > Basics > Users and select the user you want to associate the hourly rate with.
- Click Advanced and in the Job Product field paste the Product Code and click Save. Now, when you click the Invoice button in a job, any entries by users with associated products are transferred to a new, unsaved invoice. The Qty column displays the time elapsed on the job, and the selling price is the hourly rate set in the product profile.
- In the Code field type a name for the job and optionally enter a description.
- If the job needs to be divided into tasks, under Tasks click +.
To duplicate a job
For jobs that are similar or frequently performed, you can save time by duplicating a job and then modifying it as needed, rather than creating each job from scratch.
To duplicate a job, under Time-Billing click Jobs, find the job you want to duplicate, double-click it and at the bottom of the window click Duplicate. This creates a duplicate that you can rename, modify and save to the list of jobs.
To delete a job
You can delete a job or the times logged by users.
To delete a job, under Time-Billing click jobs, locate the one you want to delete and double-click it.
If you want to delete the job, at the bottom of the window click Delete and confirm the deletion.
If you want to delete a user's time, click the line you want to delete and at the bottom of the window click Delete. You must have sufficient privileges to delete a user's time.
To change the status of a job
Changing a job status to invoiced or cancelled removes it from the list of jobs accessible in User Timesheets.
To change a job status, under Time-Billing click Jobs, locate the job you want to change and double-click it.